If today is difficult

Sometimes back I had read a phrase- ‘Can a moment be happy and at the same time terrifying?’ I could not relate to it at that point of time. Leading our routine life, fully engrossed in our hustle bustle we condition ourselves to it. We crib over small things, & try to compete with everyone and anyone around us thinking them to be the wrongdoers. We happily accept this as a way of life.

In all our being busy, we desire more and more, never pausing to relish what we have. And then all of sudden we are struck with something unpredictable and unimaginable. It is this hour of despair that makes us realize what we have lost.

The civilization is witnessing one of the worst pandemic right now.COVID-19 has overpowered all the riches and powers of the planet. Man is scared of man. We have been confined within the four walls. Many have lost their near and dear ones, many of us are away from our family members, our loved ones.

It is this situation where the phrase explains itself. We are happy that we are safe, our family is safe but at the same moment, the sufferings and miseries around terrify us.

Each day is difficult, but each day is also an opportunity to live our life afresh. Enjoy the little things around, the sunshine, the breeze, the flowers, the birds and be thankful for everything that we ignored. Reach out to our friends, family members, acquaintances. Become aware of our surroundings, ourselves and extend our gratitude with the needy.

Today is difficult, but we can make it better. Let us spread positivity, express our thoughts, extend our prayers for all and spread the brotherhood beyond boundaries and barriers.

Share and care- for life is in the living.


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