People & Relationships


(One session 60 minutes. INR 10000/- per session for Life coaching/Therapeutic Art)
Life coaching
Become the better version of yourself. A life coach pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps in doing away with the self limiting beliefs. We are your supportive friend who will be with your throughout your journey of connecting with yourself, self reflection and making action plan to achieve your desired goals.
Results to except from yourself:
i) Relationship issues
ii) Taking action and risks
iii) Doing away with fear and doubts
iv) Career transitions
v) Breaking the self limiting beliefs
vi) Personal excellence .
Therapeutic Art
Therapeutic art is a powerful tool to unlock the power of the subconscious mind because our minds understand the abstract or symbols at a deeper level than language. This course is designed to use art as a powerful tool for improving wellbeing, goal setting and manifestation.
This will help in:
i) Improve self expression
ii) Heal past emotional pain
iii) Use affirmation to increase confidence
iv) Using visualization to rewire the brain and transform the life.
Mindfulness in Action
(INR 20000/- per person for the complete course)
Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance----Epicurus. The 35 days course will include 4 weekly interactions and 35 daily activities over whatsapp/email.
Bring mindfulness to everyday pursuits of life including personal, professional and relationship
(One session 60 minutes. INR 10000/- for per session)
Personal counseling
Depression, anxiety, phobia and fears, panic attacks.
We will help you in evaluating your thoughts and beliefs in a reasonable and practical way and come to a reasonable solution for yourself.
Relationship counseling
Pre-marriage counseling, couple counseling.
We will facilitate in understanding the relationship, bringing clarity about it and finding solutions.
Work life balance counseling
Bring peace back into your life with a healthy work-life balance.
You will be able to set limits and boundaries with others, figure out the things that matter most to you and incorporate those things into your life, review and reset life and career goals and schedule personal and social time.